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persist inの例文


  • and yet , i persist in this quixotic endeavor .
  • so why does he persist in such a story ?
    なのに そう言い張るのは なぜだ?
  • you persist in asking questions you know i will not answer .
  • but nonetheless we persist in them ?
  • don't persist in running after me .
    ああー もう! しつこいな。
  • why is it that our leaders still persist in looking inwards ?
    我々の指導者が今だ内政に固執するのは どうしてでしょう?
  • so why persist in asking ?
  • why does the matter persist in buzzing away at my most precious commodity , my concentration ?
    なぜそのために 僕の最も 貴重な能力である集中力に 邪魔が入ってしまうんだ?
  • to the men on both sides , exhausted for want of food and rest , the doubt began to come whether they should still persist in slaughtering one another .
    食事 も と ら す 休息 も せす 疲弊 しき っ た兵士た ち の心に 一様に疑いの念が生 じた